An online program for coaches/solopreneurs who want
to attract clients, inspire change, & create wealth.
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Where Soul Meets Strategy
Have you ever wondered why some people stand out and get noticed more than others? Why do some people get all the attention and others don't?
You may ask yourself: What is it that they have that I don't have?
The answer - NOTHING!
You actually have everything you need to create a coaching business that thrives. Could it be that the confidence, clarity, magnetism, and creative genius you've been searching for are already within you?
The Magnetic Solopreneur is going to help you awaken and accelerate your magnetic powers for your business. The possibility and the creative potential are already there within us. But where many women give up or don't think they have what it takes is because they don't understand that there is a craft to being a great coach, a great presenter, a great speaker, a great promoter - and it's going to take a little bit of time and attention to become great at our craft. Yes, there are skill sets to learn!
The Magnetic Solopreneur will help you develop that craft - it's both an inner journey of discovering your worth and a strategic one of learning a few powerful skillsets - It's where soul meets strategy.
The Magnetic Solopreneur will awaken & accelerate your confidence in yourself and your offer. Here are the areas we will cover - these are the components of a rock-solid foundation for your business: It's where soul meets strategy.
Get clear on your worth and value in what you do.
Get clear on the problem you solve for clients - tapping into your original medicine.
Identify the specific clients who bring out your genius - finding your right clients.
Discover your unique voice.
Create a powerful About Me page that communicates who you are and what you do.
Overcome your fear of bragging and self-promotion.
Develop a rock-solid awareness of your inner critic and how it wants to stop you.
How to disrupt yourself when self-doubt, overwhelm and fear interfere with your work.
Radically change your relationship with the fear of putting yourself out there - the fear of rejection and criticism.
How to take control of your energy and pivot quickly from I'm not good enough to pure potential.
Clarify your marketing message so that it clearly speaks to and resonates with potential clients.
Know exactly what to say with certainty when someone asks: So, what do you do? No more deer in the headlights look!
How to be magnetic on video and social media with presence and power - how to get out of your head and be in your body.
Learn how to use the power of your voice when talking or doing videos - how NOT to repel people from listening to you.
Create a great opt-in freebie that your potential client can't resist.
Write copy, social media posts, and leads that get people's attention and not bore them.
The Magnetic Solopreneur is Where Soul Meets Strategy!