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Choose one item from the a la carte menu below
for your 2-hour coaching session.
Which one do you need the most help with?
*Please note that the prerequiste for choosing items 2 through 6 - is that you know your niche and ideal client
1. FINDING YOUR SOUL’S NICHE - Identifying a powerful niche is the most important foundational piece of your business. Without a targeted niche your messaging lacks clarity and connection. Niching down will allow you to position yourself to have more impact and attract clients. When you try to coach everyone, you coach no one.
In this 2 hour call, we'll dive deep into and answer the questions:
What is your business? Who do you most want to serve? What issues are you most drawn to? What have you “seen” that you could share with others - What is unique to you? How can you use your experience to connect with potential clients?
2. CLEAR AND POWERFUL MESSAGING - You're going to learn how to write a clear marketing message that describes succinctly and clearly what your client is struggling with, what they urgently WANT, and why you're the person to help them. This is the piece that most coaches get all wrong which is why they never attract clients. No more deer in the headlights look when someone asks you what you do!
3. HOW TO CREATE A FREEBIE - A freebie is a powerful way of starting a conversation with potential clients and collecting their email addresses - every coach should have one. I'll show you a quick and simple idea for a freebie and how to set it up on your website (the tech stuff).
4. HOW TO HAVE A PRODUCTIVE DISCOVERY CALL THAT LEADS TO PAYING CLIENTS - How to have a productive FREE "discovery call" with potential clients and turn it into a powerful coaching call that allows you to sign up potential clients. I'll walk you through what to say.
5. CREATE A "WELCOME MESSAGE" VIDEO: You will come away with a short 3-minute welcome message video to use on your website and social media. You will learn how to be clear, succinct, professional - and show up with presence on video so that you can have a greater impact. The prerequisite for this class is menu item one.
6. HOW TO WRITE POWERFUL POSTS AND BLOGS: In this session, I will share with you 10 powerful "hooks" you can use when writing content - social media posts and blogs - so that you can stand out and get noticed.
7. DISRUPT YOURSELF - Starting a business shines a light on our fears, & limiting beliefs about who we think we are and what we believe we are capable of achieving. Starting a business requires that we let the old self - the one that tells us we don't have what it takes - fall away. It's about trusting that we are not stuck with our personality constraints because the old self is just not going to cut it when you're being called to put yourself out there and promote yourself.
Your energy - what you believe about yourself is paramount!
We'll take a close look at your insecurities and fears about putting yourself out there - why you hide out and play small. This coaching session is all about you and your energy. How to close the gap between where you are and who you want to become.