Where Soul Meets Strategy
What does it mean to be a MAGNETIC Solopreneur?
The magnetic solopreneur has clarity about who she is in her work.
She holds a vision for her work – she knows her why.
She is committed to making her business successful – she has both feet in.
She is good at navigating problems and the discomfort that arises in her business.
She can get out of her own way when she is challenged by her own limiting beliefs.
She knows when to ask for help and she's willing to learn new skillsets.
She has unshakeable confidence in her ability to help people.
She loves to put herself out there - undeterred by criticism or rejection.
She is comfortable and confident with both her strengths and weaknesses – she knows her worth.
She doesn’t feel uncomfortable selling and marketing her services.
She knows that success, impact, expansion, and creating wealth are intricately connected to her own personal alignment.
She is unstoppable.
This program is designed to help female heart-centered solopreneurs awaken and accelerate their magnetism so that they confidently can stand out, be seen, and attract more clients.
It's about closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.
What's in the gap?
Your doubts, fears, lack of clarity, insecurity & self-doubt.
This program is designed to close that gap.

The women I work with know all too well that the energy and spirit we bring to anything – especially our business – is vital to our success. And yet so many solopreneurs get caught up trying to implement business strategies before doing the important inner energetic foundational work that every business needs.
They think their struggle to stand out, get noticed and get clients is because they lack business savvy – that they don’t know enough about marketing, funnels, and sales. They think it’s because they don’t have a great website with all the bells and whistles.
There’s no question that business strategies are important and necessary - BUT...
if you don’t have unshakeable confidence and clarity about who you are and your work – if you don’t have presence in yourself and your business – if you're uncomfortable talking about your business and putting yourself out there, then good luck, my friend – because your business will have zero magnetism.
This is you putting the cart before the horse. It’s as illogical as trying to build a beautiful house without a foundation on which it can stand.
THE MAGNETIC SOLOPRENUER is designed to help you create that solid foundation.
What does it mean to be a MAGNETIC solopreneur?
The magnetic solopreneur has clarity about who she is and what problems she solves.
She holds a clear vision for her work – she knows her why and is self-motivated.
She is committed to making her business successful – she has both feet in.
She is good at navigating problems and the discomfort that arises in her business.
She can get out of her own way when she is challenged by her own limiting beliefs.
She knows when to ask for help and is willing to learn new skillsets.
She has unshakeable confidence in her ability to help people.
She loves to put herself out there - undeterred by criticism or rejection.
She is comfortable and confident with both her strengths and weaknesses – she knows her worth.
She doesn’t feel uncomfortable selling and marketing her services.
She feels no reason to hide out and play small.
She knows that success, impact, expansion, and creating wealth are intricately connected to her own personal alignment.
She is unstoppable.
Your magnetism will accelerate when you've first convinced yourself of your worth and value.
How The Magnetic Solopreneur Works
The Magnetic Solopreneur is an 8-week program - each week you will be emailed a video of me teaching a class - you will also receive PDF worksheets. At the end of the week, there will be a live Q&A Zoom call with me where you will be able to talk about the class and get clarification if needed. If you can't attend live, you will be emailed the recording.
Overview of Program
Magnetic Messaging -
Know Thyself - What's great about you? What can you stand behind?
Who are you best working with?
Do you have clarity about what you are offering clients? Who do you want to help? This is the most important item in the gap. Unless you know who you want to work with and how you can help them, your foundation won't be strong and solid. It's as important as deciding to marry someone. You have to get this right.
DISRUPT YOURSELF - Starting a business shines a light on our fears, & limiting beliefs about who we think we are and what we believe we are capable of achieving. Starting a business requires that we let the old self - the one that tells us we don't have what it takes - fall away. It's about trusting that we are not stuck with our personality constraints because the old self is just not going to cut it when you're being called to put yourself out there and promote yourself.